
New in version 3.1.0.

pickle protocol 5 (see PEP 574) introduced support for out-of-band buffers, allowing for more efficient handling of certain object types with large memory footprints.

MPI for Python uses the traditional in-band handling of buffers. This approach is appropriate for communicating non-buffer Python objects, or buffer-like objects with small memory footprints. For point-to-point communication, in-band buffer handling allows for the communication of a pickled stream with a single MPI message, at the expense of additional CPU and memory overhead in the pickling and unpickling steps.

The mpi4py.util.pkl5 module provides communicator wrapper classes reimplementing pickle-based point-to-point communication methods using pickle protocol 5. Handling out-of-band buffers necessarily involve multiple MPI messages, thus increasing latency and hurting performance in case of small size data. However, in case of large size data, the zero-copy savings of out-of-band buffer handling more than offset the extra latency costs. Additionally, these wrapper methods overcome the infamous 2 GiB message count limit (MPI-1 to MPI-3).


Support for pickle protocol 5 is available in the pickle module within the Python standard library since Python 3.8. Previous Python 3 releases can use the pickle5 backport, which is available on PyPI and can be installed with:

python -m pip install pickle5

The pickle5 backport is not available for Python 2. Using the mpi4py.util.pkl5 module on a Python 2 runtime provides no benefits and may hurt communication performance.

class mpi4py.util.pkl5.Request

Custom request class for nonblocking communications.


Request is not a subclass of MPI.Request

Free() None
cancel() None
get_status(status: Optional[MPI.Status] = None) bool
test(status: Optional[MPI.Status] = None) Tuple[bool, Optional[Any]]
wait(status: Optional[MPI.Status] = None) Any
classmethod testall(requests: Sequence[Request], statuses: Optional[List[MPI.Status]] = None) Tuple[bool, Optional[List[Any]]]
classmethod waitall(requests: Sequence[Request], statuses: Optional[List[MPI.Status]] = None) List[Any]
class mpi4py.util.pkl5.Message

Custom message class for matching probes.


Message is not a subclass of MPI.Message

recv(status: Optional[MPI.Status] = None) Any:
irecv() Request
classmethod probe(comm: Comm, source: int = MPI.ANY_SOURCE, tag: int = MPI.ANY_TAG, status: Optional[MPI.Status] = None) Message
classmethod iprobe(comm: Comm, source: int = MPI.ANY_SOURCE, tag: int = MPI.ANY_TAG, status: Optional[MPI.Status] = None) Optional[Message]:
class mpi4py.util.pkl5.Comm(comm: MPI.Comm = MPI.COMM_NULL)

Base communicator wrapper class.

send(obj: Any, dest: int, tag: int = 0) None
bsend(obj: Any, dest: int, tag: int = 0) None
ssend(obj: Any, dest: int, tag: int = 0) None
isend(obj: Any, dest: int, tag: int = 0) Request
ibsend(obj: Any, dest: int, tag: int = 0) Request
issend(obj: Any, dest: int, tag: int = 0) Request
recv(buf: Optional[Buffer] = None, source: int = MPI.ANY_SOURCE, tag: int = MPI.ANY_TAG, status: Optional[MPI.Status] = None) Any
irecv(buf: Optional[Buffer] = None, source: int = MPI.ANY_SOURCE, tag: int = MPI.ANY_TAG) Request


This method cannot be supported reliably and raises RuntimeError.

sendrecv(sendobj: Any, dest: int, sendtag: int = 0, recvbuf: Optional[Buffer] = None, source: int = MPI.ANY_SOURCE, recvtag: int = MPI.ANY_TAG, status: Optional[MPI.Status] = None) Any
mprobe(source: int = MPI.ANY_SOURCE, tag: int = MPI.ANY_TAG, status: Optional[MPI.Status] = None) Message
improbe(source: int = MPI.ANY_SOURCE, tag: int = MPI.ANY_TAG, status: Optional[MPI.Status] = None) Optional[Message]
bcast(self, obj: Any, root: int = 0) Any
class mpi4py.util.pkl5.Intracomm(comm: MPI.Intracomm = MPI.COMM_NULL)

Intracommunicator wrapper class.

class mpi4py.util.pkl5.Intercomm(comm: MPI.Intercomm = MPI.COMM_NULL)

Intercommunicator wrapper class.

 1import numpy as np
 2from mpi4py import MPI
 3from mpi4py.util import pkl5
 5comm = pkl5.Intracomm(MPI.COMM_WORLD)  # comm wrapper
 6size = comm.Get_size()
 7rank = comm.Get_rank()
 8dst = (rank + 1) % size
 9src = (rank - 1) % size
11sobj = np.full(1024**3, rank, dtype='i4')  # > 4 GiB
12sreq = comm.isend(sobj, dst, tag=42)
13robj = comm.recv (None, src, tag=42)
16assert np.min(robj) == src
17assert np.max(robj) == src
 1import numpy as np
 2from mpi4py import MPI
 3from mpi4py.util import pkl5
 5comm = pkl5.Intracomm(MPI.COMM_WORLD)  # comm wrapper
 6size = comm.Get_size()
 7rank = comm.Get_rank()
 8dst = (rank + 1) % size
 9src = (rank - 1) % size
11sobj = np.full(1024**3, rank, dtype='i4')  # > 4 GiB
12sreq = comm.isend(sobj, dst, tag=42)
14status = MPI.Status()
15rmsg = comm.mprobe(status=status)
16assert status.Get_source() == src
17assert status.Get_tag() == 42
18rreq = rmsg.irecv()
19robj = rreq.wait()
22assert np.max(robj) == src
23assert np.min(robj) == src